Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Gee whiz, 456 pageviews and I've only ever put up 2 posts in the last 4 years?? Either my words are golden, or there are thousands of people clicking on "Next Blog" and thereby stumbling upon this.

Oh well, main premise of this blog is so so fabulous, but being a mother (brown, no less) means I haven't had a speck of time to update this blog. Which tells you a lot about being a mother (brown or not). Inidentally, I have a second little brown baby (just as delicious as the first), and am just as feminist and politically committed to babywearing, cosleeping, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, mm...and whatever the other tenets of attachment parenting are. Except for the home made organic babyfood - I can't totally get behind that, either because of the  "I can't be bothered" factor or because of the "I think our foodchain is prettty safe already" factor. So sue me.

I'd tell you all about the other stuff I am committed to but, um, I'm at work and I'd really probably better get back to it.

Happy blog surfing, darlings!!!

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